Lerato Malatsi
3 min readMay 13, 2021

The Importance of Making a Personal Budget

Are you drowning in debt? Even if debt isn’t a problem for you right now, it’s very likely to become one in the future. You will want to look at budgets if you are already in debt or want to avoid being a victim of it. It’s an easy method to make a budget for yourself, but it’s one that can help you stay out of debt or even get you out of debt.

Before we look at how to make a budget for yourself, it’s important to understand why budgets are so important. Budgets, as previously mentioned, are a tool that can be used to ensure that debt is no longer a problem. By making a budget for yourself, you can keep track of your spending and ensure that all necessary expenses, such as your car payment or mortgage, are met. This also allows you to examine how much extra money you have each month, money that you could use to repay your debt or put in a savings account if you are not currently in debt.

When it comes to making a budget for yourself, you should be able to find a variety of budget templates online. While these free resources are useful, you should only use them as a starting point. You can get some great ideas from them, but you should make your own budget.

This is significant because not everyone leads the same life or has the same financial obligations. For example, a budget template for New York City may not require car payments or auto insurance, but if you have a vehicle, you will need these sections on your budget.

It is also recommended that you create a budget for each month of the year. A budget, as previously stated, allows you to account for your spending in advance. If you need to attend a birthday party in July, you may need to budget for purchasing a gift. However, this is not something that will happen every month.

Creating individual budgets for each month of the year may appear to be a difficult task, but it does not have to be. It may take a few extra minutes, but the extra time is well worth it.

To get started with saving money, and to help relieve the stress and other issues that are often associated with debt, you will want to start by outlining all of the monthly expenses that you must pay for. Rent, mortgage, renters insurance, homeowners insurance, auto insurance, auto loan payments, groceries, and utility bills are examples of non-negotiable expenses. These are the expenses that must be met regardless of the circumstances.

Once you have a detailed list of important expenses, such as those you cannot live without, you can move on to the next level of importance. These include things like internet access and cable television. If you’re just looking to save money, perhaps to put into a savings account, you should be able to keep paying these bills without issue. On the other hand, if you are looking to dig yourself out of all of your unpaid debt, it may be a good idea to go without internet access or cable television if at all possible, even if only for a short time.

You can also use your budget to figure out how much money you’ll have extra each month. You can do this if you work the same hours every day or if your pay is based on a salary. After you’ve totaled all of the aforementioned expenses, subtract the total from the amount of money you bring home from work each week. Any extra money is money that you should consider putting towards your debt or saving for a rainy day.

Thank you!

I recommend this E-book called “How To Set Up a Family Budget The Easy Way” for a more family orientated budget planning. It takes a much more positive approach to budgeting, as a family oriented, user-friendly, financial management and planning tool and life-enabler. Access it here: https://bit.ly/3boUQsW

Lerato Malatsi

I love reading and writing educational content